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the river

in summer, olive and i would drive to the yadkin and the dan rivers. it was our favorite thing to do. get stoned on the bank and walk through the muddy water. on the banks there were carrot flowers that i would eat. later, i found out that deadly hemlock looks almost identical to carrot flowers. so i guess i kind of got lucky there. 


in senior year, i would go back to the yadkin by myself. it was too cold to swim but i'd sit there and look across the water to the opposite bank. i looked at the bridge and the two tributaries just beyond the bridge. soria moria, i guess. when i went to kentucky in january, ahna and i went to a river that i don't know the name of. i told them that the other side looked like a magical world, like from princess mononoke or something. then we went back to their house and tried to take a nap but we just ended up fucking instead. 


(is a dream a lie that don't come true, or is it something worse?) 


down to the river 

down to the river 

down to the river 

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