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thank you

hey, thanks for taking a walk through my mind and reading my weird stream of consciousness poetry!


i realized how much storage space memory takes up in my brain. i am almost completely memory, especially since i've moved to chicago. i can't help but compare the two cities, new friends to old friends, etc. remembering is a really important part of my life, and i thank you for listening to me recount feelings and experiences i have had. 


if you're in my class, i appreciate your feedback and all the help you have given me. 

if you're just a stranger off the internet, then hello! i appreciate your feedback too. you can email me here. 


lastly, this is a love letter to my friends, family and hometown, so it would be wrong to not thank these people. they have made me who i am and they are a big reason why i decided to complete this project in the first place. 


so thank you:

mama, dad'n, and zoey, for everything. 

my old friends back home-- you know who you are. i love you.

my new friends in chicago-- y'all are so special, and i can't wait to spend the next three and a half years with you. 

the artists, guides and inspirations in my life. i wouldn't be where i am if not for you all. 

and lastly, thank you to north carolina, for being my home.









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