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i call myself a social introvert because, while being with people drains me, i love parties. 


i seem to have bad party karma, though. that post-orientation party ended in a panic attack, and the Y2K party at penland fucked my whole week up. it's best when i'm with my people, just my people, having dinner and laughing and dancing and fucking around. 


the last time i saw the goblin gang all in one place was at olive's house when we made that spaghetti. that evening was near perfect, except when rohan decided to go to a graveyard at like 11pm to buy weed from a stranger. 


the last time i got stoned was with my roommate and her friends in the park. the last time i ate dinner with a friend was monday night. 


the last time i danced was with stephen and jenni and jen, at that old people bar. jenni says now that it was wack and lame, but i had the time of my life. even if the old people were sort of weird. 


so maybe i do have good party karma, after all. 

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