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at night we'd go out to hathaway park. nobody was ever there. noah would always say, what's the scariest thing that could happen? one time someone was sitting at the picnic tables and we lost our shit. it was just some kid playing pokemon go but it wasn't what we were expecting. 


one time kath and noah and i went at the beginning of the summer. the waterpark was haunted and i still can't figure it out. one time i went with noah and olive and keanu wasn't even there so we knew it was a bad idea to go. i hope he enjoyed all the hair i gave him. do you still go and sit on the roof? are the rocks we threw up there still there? where is the moon now? that night it was blood red. very very small in the sky. that was winter and now it's the fourth of july. the moon is an orange sliver. like a toenail clipping. "how romantic".

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